Brian Murphy At The Wow-Wee Maui's Kava Bar & Grill

Brian Murphy, Director of PatientsWithoutTime, gives a run down on vaporization.

Brian Murphy Director of PatientswithoutTime and MCCFDIA

Brian Murphy Director of PatientswithoutTime and Maui County Citizens for Democracy In Action, gives a interview on the latest ordinance initiatives for the change of marijuana laws for the county of Maui, Hawaii.

Maui NORML takes to the streets of Maui

Maui NORML takes to the streets of Paia on Saint Patrick's Day 2006, to pass out flyers concerning marijuana as a alternative on this day.

PatientsWithoutTime Patients Give Interviews

Listen to some of the patients, of PatientsWithoutTime as they share their stories, about pharmaceuticals and marijuana as it relates to them with their experiences.

PatientsWithoutTime Patients Give Interviews

Listen to some of the patients, of PatientsWithoutTime as they share their stories, about pharmaceuticals and marijuana as it relates to them with their experiences.